porsche 928 gt coupe picture
RaskaApr 1, 07:19 AMNew: Launch Time Machine and watch how the core of the galaxy disperses tiny dust particles. Looks totally awesome and freakishly realistic. :D
Wow that looks real awesome.

2012 Ford Mustang GT500 To Get
Apple OCMar 21, 07:21 PMThe gist of the statements currently coming from UN-mandated coalition members seems to be that once that "all necessary measures" have been taken to protect Libyans under attack by Gaddafi loyalists, the coalition military will simply seek to maintain that protection. Any political progess from that point on will have to be negotiated between Gaddafi, the Arab League, and the UN.
It will be important to get the Arab League onboard, but just now they are pretty distracted with internal instability and rarely agree on anything anyways. They neither want to keep Gaddafi around nor show him the door.
I agree ... interesting progress this UN decision has become, the Arab partners seem to now be on the fence.
Getting Gaddafi to step down seems like a logical solution ... however that may not happen if he tries to all of a sudden play ball a bit.

ford mustang gt500 | 2012 auto
strabesMay 2, 04:38 PMI'm just wondering if this is a more thorough way of deleting the app. Like, taking out app support and preferences unlike when you just drag the app into the trash. Does this simply move it to the trash or does it take care of everything in the background?
I think it is basically making 2 ways to delete an app, which I suppose will be more "user friendly" for people coming to Mac from the iDevices halo. But again, wondering if this actually cleans the apps crap up.
You'd probably appreciate this app: http://onnati.net/apptrap/

2012 ford gt mustang
AppliedVisualOct 23, 11:25 AMHey, if there's a rumor every single week that upgraded macbooks/mbps, it will eventually be true! :D :D :D
When it finally does come true, MR will announce it snidely: "Apple announces upgraded notebooks today, as predicted..." and link back to the one rumor (of dozens, I think) that was accurate.
Of course... That's the way a lot of this "inside" info works. There were several rumor sites claiming updated MBP systems at Photokina. For the sake of not flaming one only to flame another, the claims made by most of these sites mysteriously vanished by about day 2 of Photokina. They made a huge deal over it and then no retractions or anything, they just pulled the articles from their sites as if it had never existed. AppleInsider did this, but they must have actually got real insider info because they pulled their little tidbit about it the day before Apple's Photokina event (Aperture update). So someone must have tipped them off that no notebook update was happening.

2012 mustang gt pictures. its
cubeMar 24, 05:20 PMActually, you are just confused and trying to back peddle:
You are talking DirectX version numbers(which already has nothing to do with what we're talking about and has no bearing under OS X) in relation to OpenCL when OpenCL has nothing to do with DirectX? Something doesn't add up here.
I am not trying to back pedal, I was talking about OpenCL before, I've been talking about that and graphics for a while now.
With respect to your objection, what does DirectX 10.1 mean in OpenCL terms? 1.0? 1.1?
All I can see about Sandy Bridge regarding OpenCL is conflicting information. As of now, it has no true OpenCL.

2012 Ford Mustang GT500
sam10685Jul 14, 03:34 AMSo, how long till it comes to laptops? :D
And on top of that, its only going to be a viewer, right? I mean have they created any Blu-ray burners, yet?
I really don't want to buy a Macbook Pro until it has Merom, 802.11n, and blue-ray, cause I know those are all going to be standard in less than a year and I can't afford to have a crippled laptop for 3 yrs.
Hopefully it won't be too far, I've saved enough cash.
ur goin' to be waitin' a while... just get one now.

2012 Mustang GT ordering
HunabkuApr 13, 01:50 AM+1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.
Yes i agree we have to get our hands on it to know. Which in a way negates everything you said previously. Just because the UI borrows some of the visuals from imovie does not mean that running the program and editing will be like iMovie.
This is typical of people -apple releases something radically new in a given category and everyone proclaims the sky is falling and the product is a flop. Only after time we discover that there was deep thought given to the users' experience and the end result is booming sales.
Randy has definined the vanguard of video editing software - from writing/architecting Premiere, Final Cut, iMovie and now Final Cut X. He knows how to make software for video pros so please reserve judgment until using it and respect the depth of experience here.
PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.

Shelby GT500 in 2012.
Gregg2Apr 17, 08:17 AMUnless you're driving a BMW, Honda or Porsche, gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.
Wow! You've driven every other kind of car as well? Or maybe that's "According to ______, (fill in name of magazine or auto guru)..."

2012 mustang gt pictures.
jettredmontAug 16, 02:24 PMIt's a shame there's almost no way Verizon will carry an Apple branded phone. I just don't see it happening. Looks like I'll have to get an LG Chocolate for music on the go...
If Apple does an "unlocked" phone (meaning, the kind of phone that used to be the rule, not the exception, which wasn't locked to a specific service provider) you'll be able to use it on Verizon (of course, assuming it supports Verizon's connection mechanism, which is different from Sprint or Cingular, but most of the phone manufacturers out there have no problem with this).
The downside, of course, is that you miss out on the 2-year financing offers from Verizon, and still have to pay for the 2-year financing (your rate isn't any cheaper if you don't take their "free" phone offer...). That having been said, the US phone companies offer crap for long-time customers ($100 off a phone for signing up for another 2-year contract? Puhlease!) and IMHO it makes more sense to just get the damned phone you want and throw that $100 "discount" aka high-interest loan away than confine yourself to Verizon's pathetic arsenal of hobbled (key features disabled, etc) phones.

2011 Mustang GT
clientsimanApr 9, 04:02 AMSo who's Obama gonna blow up next? Syria, Yemen?
Well both Syria and Yemen have oil and therefore are very good candidates for bombing. I think the peace nobel prize winer (Obama) has already enough wars to keep him and his army happy, so I don't expect the US to start an new war soon.

2012 mustang gt boss.
razzmatazzAug 6, 09:58 PMhow long is the keynote?
They last about an hour to 2 hours

2012 Mustang Gt Boss 302 Seats
DenariusMar 22, 03:50 PMHAHA, if I lived in Europe I wouldn't want to leave that place, not to say that's where you are, but Europe is great. Not everyone is true, but a big understatement thus the millions of illegal immigrants and people constantly being killed trying to get here. Ahem, Mexico for one.
Oh I don't know, Britain attracts illegal immigrants like a turd attracts flies. The French get very annoyed about the number hanging around near the tunnel trying to sneak over.

2009 Mustang GT
kelving525Sep 23, 02:46 PMDo you feel the same about the Night Sky color, or is it more the Aquamarine and Fuscia and neon blinding green? The Night Sky one looks pretty cool. I have no problem with purple colors as long as they are dark, which the Night Sky seems to be from pictures.
Yes, it is definitely dark purple-- not those neon purple.:cool:

2012 mustang gt pictures.
rezenclowd3Jan 10, 03:53 PMPretty fly zmmer with nice rims! Not tempted to squeeze 17/18s on? (Assuming it won't **** up the running gear/handling)
Nope, I will only go with 16's max if I do. I do not want to add more unsprung/rotating weight. Besides, it would not look period correct. I like the look of some sidewall. DD comfort would also be too negatively impacted with less sidewall due to the M3 springs and Biltstein dampers. It also has a 2.93 Diff mated to a ZF M3 tranny, so it doesn't have the pickup and go for Auto X, so heavier wheels would just be terrible. A 3.4x-3.7x lsd will be on its way for racing duty.

2012 mustang gt premium.
MainyehcNov 28, 03:50 PMI agree with almost everything you wrote (you're a pretty smart guy!) but offer two comments:
1 - We don't know there isn't a Jobs waiting in the wings. We also don't know there isn't a Jobs in the #2 spot at some Fortune 50 company who could be in a MS executive suite in 3 years.
2 - MS being "too proud" is exactly the kind of thing I mean when I write about not being able to predict the post-Bill future. He is certainly too proud but who knows about Bill 2.0?
You make the point about the rank-and-file being mostly very talented and I agree. If MS gets executives who stay out of the way who knows what Zune 3.0 will be like?
Why, thanks! English isn't even my native language... And I'm not a long-time Apple user either. But I suppose three years worth of using Macs and hangin' around MacRumors:Forums also helped, as did reading a lot (well, way too much, really) about the computer industry's history! :p
Your points are, of course, fairly good. But this is just a clear example of me playing the role of the "ominous wishful thinker", and you that of the "devil's advocate". So I surely hope I'm right in my predictions; even though I know competition is a good thing, arguing that competition from Microsoft could possibly be a "good" thing is nothing short of an oxymoron (I'm not saying that's your opinion. The problem is, if it's you who turns out to be right, that's what the Zune will become: competition! :p ). Let's hope that some worthy competitors, both on the cosumer electronics and the PC hardware/software/operating systems, OTHER than Microsoft emerge to give Apple some eventually needed "kicks in the butt", so they don't become lazy. ;)
'Course, if Microsoft could, hypothetically, stop being such an evil company, I'd certainly overlook their shady past and could even, Jobs forbid!, use some of their products (provided they'd be up to my typical Mac User's standards :rolleyes: ). :D

2012 Ford Mustang
kdarlingApr 23, 09:10 AM-- The cache is good
Let's be clear: the cell/hotspot lookup caching was undoubtedly an innocently added coding feature.

2012 mustang gt premium
APPLENEWBIESep 7, 08:18 AMMy prediction FWIW: What will not happen on the 12th: We will not see Jobs stand up in front of the crowd and make go on and on about a new fantastic movie download service. There is no need to do that. Movies on iTunes store is not revolutionary, unless they have developed some way to undo the laws of physics. We won't see Jobs demonstrating how easy it is to download movies, because it will take hours. Movies on iTunes is merely an incremental improvement. Could be done with a simple announcement. Everyone knows it is coming anyway.
THe 12th, I think, is all about hardware. It will be about an integrated system of hardware to manage and play music, movies, data, email. It will be about either a video iPod or the iPod cell (with video). This is the media center mac introduction. I also think that it may look like the g4 cube, roughly. Did you notice that the new flagship store is a cube? Those are my predictions. I am preparing the condiments to be ready to eat crow...

2012 Mustang Gt Boss 302
ten-oak-druidApr 26, 01:22 PMPet Store, the trademark, was not a word mark but a Typed Drawing mark. Hence it's the logo itself that was trademarked, not the phrase.
Try again.
Its a trademark. Give me a break. What do you think the "typed drawing" said?
Try again Knight.
Anyway, didn't Apple again use "We have the largest App Store" in their financials just last week, implying other "App Stores" weren't as large but that the term App Store is quite descriptive and generic ?
Too bad for them they keep diluting their own trademark. Anyway, until the USPTO is done with their opposition phase, it's not decided yet.
That is a very weak argument. Apple does not say they are the only app store. They have the largest app store. And their app store is named App Store™ and the name is trademarked.
I think you mean App Store™
Never forget cmd-alt-2 (or apple-option-2 if you're old-skool) ;)

the 412-hp V8 Mustang GT.
hansolo669Mar 1, 10:46 AMAs much as I hate clutter, I'm a bit of a collector as well. Usually, whenever I get a free Mac (and most of the Macs I get are free), I sell them, but whenever I come across a free classic or really old Mac, I figure "eh, it isn't worth anything, might as well keep it..." and the collection builds from there. So far, I've got an SE/30, two PowerBook 180s, an eMac, a PowerMac G4 AGP (I think), an iMac G3, a Performa 5200CD, and an Apple //e. They all boot, but one of the PBs is iffy. I've also owned two 1.25GHz PowerBook G4s, a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0, two 1.83GHz Mac Minis, a 1.66GHz Mac Mini, several iMac G5s, a G4 Quicksilver, a MacBook Pro, an iMac G4, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. Only ones I paid for were some of the iMac G5s, the MBP, and two of the Mac Minis.
And I've only been an Apple user since 2006 :p
impressive! it seems every one can find random old mac easer than me :P , oh well lol.
MattGNov 28, 12:05 PMHeh.
Suck it, Microsoft :cool:
Do you have anything to support that MS lost billions on the xbox, I heard it was more like they broke even...
I watched a television show on the history of video games a couple of weeks ago. I forget what channel it was on...History or Discovery or something like that, but I specifically remember them saying that Microsoft lost a lot of money on the xbox, but that they didn't care...they just wanted to get their foot in the door.
I think it was this show:
emotionNov 27, 02:51 PMI just hope they adjust their prices while they are at it. I love the Apple monitors but they are overpriced. Go to CompUSA and you can find at least 4-5 20" wide-screen monitors from $250-$399. At $699 they are way out or touch with the rest of the market. I could see paying a $100 premium at $499 but not $300.
Read this http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327. They still seem over priced but not so much now.
LeptonJul 18, 04:52 PMApple wants to sell movies for $9.99, the studios say no, because they are greedy. Let's rent them for (I'll guess) $1.99 per view! Or (I'll guess) unlimited movies for $19.99 per month! That way, we get big bucks!
Foolish foolish, foolish. The movies will have DRM on them. The DRM will be cracked, because ALL DRMs are cracked. So the studios end up with, instead of $10, a measly $2, because people will rent them for one view, crack the DRM, and now own the movie permanently.
The viewer gets the movie permanently anyway, instead of getting $10, they get $2 because they are greedy, and dumb.
Or worse, a use pays $20 for a month, downloads every ding dang movie in the store, and gets them all. Even worse, the cracked movies will be put all over the Net by frustrated viewers.
Let Apple do it RIGHT! People will pay $10, get the movie and be legal and nice, happy viewers don't crack DRM, don't put cracked films all over the Net, and the studios make out big. Just like with music. But nooooo, greed loses every time.
By the way I predict movies will be 16:10 (sic) widescreen and not HD, stream in like Front Row trailers, streamable in iTunes AND in Front Row, the streams will be downloadable as you watch so they will be loadable and viewable on current and new widescreen video iPods, and will be compressed to about 1GB/100 minutes.
EvangelionJul 20, 05:05 AMPeople dont want to download the source and compile it
What makes you think that you have to do that?
even the best package managers dont really solve the problem, I want to download any application and run it, I dont want to have something check dependancies and then get teh appropriate version ect.
have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?
The newest Suse enterprise desktop has a lot of Mac os like features, and claim to have done a lot of research into user interface optomization ect, but thats only Suse, what about the rest, Linux will never have a singular unified front, and that is its achilees heel, and the macs inherant strenght (ok so the mac isnt that unified anymore)
What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.
lewis82Nov 23, 07:23 PMSome CAT6 cable (1 foot, 2 feet, 5 feet)
Firewire (800 to 400 and 800 to 800, both 6 feet)
USB, (A to B 3 feet and 6 feet extension)
iPod charger
Saved a huge bunch of money by ordering online :)
Posted by
4:03 PM

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